16 Inspirational Valentine’s Day Messages
Valentine’s Day is a great time to reconnect with loved ones, celebrate the joy of relationships, and remember that love is something that’s deep within our hearts. Quotes have a special way of touching the soul that words can’t always express. They can inspire love notes and acts of devotion. Whether you send them by email, text, or call, these Valentine’s Day quotes and reflections are a great way to express your heart to your loved ones. Whether you’re sending a note to your special someone, a family member, or a friend, it’s always nice to get a personalized card from Mama Kong, or even a social media post or in-person meeting.
This set of 16 Valentine’s Day messages is carefully curated to inspire you and spread love to others in this season. Let’s take a look at the different ways people show their love!
“Love recognizes no barriers.” – Maya Angelou
Love is thematically a concept that challenges situations, and difficulties in life. This shows love to be a great force that withstands any challenge, thus it teaches us to come up with positive options to join in.
“Where there is love, there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Love is what brings meaning and vitality to our lives. The timeless knowledge about cherishing various kinds of love as an indispensable part of our lives is a real struggle to abandon it.
“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn wisely holds up as an example of life’s most precious element, which is another person and the quote is about it.
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily BrontĂ«
This sentence is great! Literary critics say this about the quote. They say it’s a well-worded, but overidealized way of expressing a love so great that people think the two individuals’ souls are just one. The idea of their souls being one is a spiritual connection that’s hard to break, even after death.
“To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” – David Viscott
This quote initially suggests that love is not just thinking of other people or being good but love is the primary force in the universe. Each soul has two sides to feel the emotional “heat” of love from the perspective of a giver and a recipient. For example, the sun is energizing, and we feel love like that from several people.
“I carry your heart with me.” – E.E. Cummings
E.E. Cummings talks about love and how it becomes a part of a person, like his heart. With it, people become eternal beings. So, when you love someone, you’ll always have them in your heart, even if they’re not with you.
“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” – Aristotle
Aristotle’s words emphasize the unity and the bond of harmony that are forged between two lovers as if they are two halves of one whole. An ideal thought for those who are soulmates.
“A heart that loves is always young.” – Greek Proverb
Love makes us ageless and full of liveliness, no matter our age. This saying highlights the power of love to reinvigorate and bring energy into our lives.
“Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.”
This quote is a great way to show the beauty and uniqueness of every love story. It’s a perfect way to express your personal love and gratitude to your partner.
“True love stories never have endings.” – Richard Bach
True love is everlasting and goes beyond time. The quote reminds that love has no beginning or end and still grows and changes.
“All you need is love.” – The Beatles
This is a simple but profound statement of love being the sole need to make life worthwhile. This phrase is not only a piece of nostalgia but also universally accepted one in all human hearts.
“In dreams and in love, there are no impossibilities.” – Janos Arany
Love makes us think that the impossible is possible and that we can reach it. This means that love can bring so much abundance into our lives that it feels endless.
“Love is a friendship set to music.” – Joseph Campbell
This figure of speech really captures the essence of love in a romantic relationship — the friendly, peaceful, and musical feeling that comes with it. It’s a really beautiful way to describe the two emotions, and it shows the connection between the two people in a loving relationship.
“You are my today and all of my tomorrows.” – Leo Christopher
This quote serves as a delightful illustration of commitment and devotion as well as evokes the very essence of being faithful for a lifetime. Sharing the saying with someone you envision as the one.
“You are my favorite chapter in life’s story.”
A simple and yet profound quotation that is a way of explaining the importance of someone on life’s long run. The quote is perfect to write in a Valentine’s Day card.
“The best kind of love is one that makes your soul sing.”
A quote like that shows that love can really help people heal and motivate them. So, it’s a great idea to use it in a Valentine’s Day card.
Love is like a magic potion that brings us all together, no matter how different we are. The Valentine’s Day messages are a perfect example of how love affects our hearts. These sayings can help you express your affection to your significant other or help you practice showing your affection every day.
These Valentine’s Day quotes will remind you to spread love throughout the year, not just on February 14th. Which quote stood out to you and how it made you feel?Let us know your thoughts on your favorite Valentine’s Day wishes in the comments!